Protecting Your Rights
Facing a felony or misdemeanor is a serious situation. Winning your case requires both hard work and know-how. Attorney Doug Hollowell brings years of experience to the courtroom, and has achieved success in various legal fields through a unique understanding of the law and a creative application of the tools it provides for his clients.
Doug provides passionate representation to help his clients get not just the right result, but the right experience in the face of difficult times. Doug Hollowell represents both individuals and businesses in civil litigation- and the small firm aspect of a local attorney provides a hands-on and readily available counselor through every step of a process. When you choose to work with Hollowell Law, you are putting his full skills, resources and support on your side.
My clients can speak to my uncompromising commitment. And Hollowell Law’s success speaks for itself. When I take your case, you can take comfort and confidence in the fact that I will do everything I can to bring a sense of ease and support to your current situation. You will not only be informed and involved throughout your representation, but you will be treated with the respect and attention that both you and your legal matters deserve.